I started my blog.

Hello! I'm sun_ek2.

I started my blog.

I’ve made a blog several times. But I usually got bored and stopped updating. To prevent me from being lazy to update my blog, I paid for starting this blog and registering a new domain name (sun-ek2.com). It would motivate me to keep updating.


My blog title means miscellaneous notes of sun_ek2 in English. I’d like to write articles about the following topics.


  • Studying. (Science, engineering, English and so on)
  • Academic papers or books I read.
  • Developing a computer program which trades stock automatically.
  • Preparing for going abroad to earn Ph.D.
  • Daily life.
  • Others


To be honest, I’m not good at writing in English. But through updating this blog in English, I want to improve my writing skills in English. I want to be a scientist so that I have to train this skill for my future career.